Eucalyptus Cladocalyx | Clado
Clado has few defects and is prized for its durability.
Scientific Name: Eucalyptus Cladocalyx
Preferred Common Names: Clado (Common Australian name - Sugar Gum)

The Eucalypt originates in South Australia, it has been planted in South Africa since the mid 1800's. It has been planted widely through Southern Africa and has been found to grow successfully for saw log production in the Western Cape Province.
The species is typically found in privately owned farm woodlots, windbreaks and tree lined avenue’s.
The species yields a beautiful blond to tan, yellow to brown, honey colour timber. It is classified as a "Class 1 Heavy Hardwood" of exceptional durability and is well suited to heavy marine applications and external building applications. It, unlike many other Eucalypts, is relatively stable in drying, if cut correctly, free of pith. Timber harvested from Eucalyptus Cladocalyx has little defect and is prized for its durability.
It is particularly suited to situations requiring high strength where appearance is also important. If left untreated externally it will turn a silvery grey colour overtime. It has a fine interlocked grain.
The species is very well suited as a replacement to previously imported tropical Hardwood used in external applications such as Balau, Ekki, Tali, Greenheart, Massranduba etc. It is far superior in external applications to the likes of Meranti, Iroko, Mahogany, Limbali, Sapele and Garapa.
The timber as with some other hardwoods, is known to sometimes leach. It is suggested to use stainless steel fastenings and brackets when used externally in high end carpentry applications as the tannins (See link to Tannis) in the timber react with ferrous metals which can cause dark markings. Any initial markings left from leaching or a reaction with ferrous metals will disappear over time.
Exterior Stairs
External Cladding
Docking Blocks
Harbour Fenders
Outdoor Furniture
An extract from " The Mechanical Properties of Timbers - With particular reference to those grown in the Republic of South Africa" published by C.H. Banks (South African Forestry Research Institute).
Dry Mass per kg
Modulus of rupture
Fibre stress at P.L. (Point Load)
Modula's of elasticity
Compression parallel to grain
Compression perpendicular to grain
Shear parallel to grain
Impact Bending
1005 kg/m3 (Wet density 1200 - 1300kg/m3)
140 MPa
81 MPa
18415 MPa
78.3 MPa (Maximum crushing strength)
39.1 MPa (Stress at 2.54mm deflection)
19.6 MPA (Stress at Point Load)
16.5 MPa (Maximum shearing strength)
30.8 MPa (Toughness)